Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dermarolling between Dermarolls

I decided to lightly dermaroll my skin last night. Normally, I do a hard roll every 6 weeks (when I'm not breaking out) that's it but I know Dr. Fernandes sent his patients home with a dermaroller (with shorter needles) so that they could roll at home to help with product penetration. Well, that's what I always wanted to do but I didn't have the money to purchase a whole set of rollers so I just did my one roll ever 6 weeks.
I have been getting such terrible breakouts and it's happening all the time. I have so many new scars (indented and red marks). It's so depressing. I apply vitamin C serum and vitamin E and A daily to help my skin heal but come on we all know that our skin is a very strong barrier and nothing is getting through that! I'm basically throwing away money each time I apply my special serums and lotions!
So, the last time I rolled, I waited about a week and I lightly rolled and the applied my products. I decided to lightly roll last night. I may have rolled harder than I realized because my face was all red and it stung when I applied my vitamin C and E. I woke up this morning with my skin stinging and when I went for a jog the sweat on my face stung my face.
I really need to invest in a new roller with short needles. I don't want to destroy the collagen my skin is producing.
I'll let you know if my light rolls are helping the new scars heal faster. I'm going to do it once a week. I am also considering doing single needling. I am not familiar with that process but there a few scars I always seem to miss when I roll.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My dermarolling experience

A couple of people I know have asked why am I blogging about things other than dermarolling. Isn't this supposed to be a blog about dermarolling? Yes it is but you can not dermaroll unless your skin is clear. You can roll the areas where there are no breakouts but you should never, never, never roll over skin with acne (cystic or non cystic), or over any open sores. You'll spread the bacteria and make your skin much worse.
My problem is the area I need to roll is also the area that keeps breaking out. My left side keeps getting new cysts so it's been almost impossible to roll that side. I have rolled the other side and now my face looks a little lopsided (wrinkles on the right side have improved while the left side is very noticeable). This is something new that I just noticed. I guess it just takes wrinkles awhile to "heal." Even though I hate having a lopsided face, I love that I can actually see the difference the dermarolling has made. In previous posts, I wrote that I didn't think dermarolling helped wrinkles but I was wrong. It works but it takes time. Just like it takes time for scars to fill in. 
Back to what I was saying in the beginning of this post....I blog about other things such as products I have used and professional treatments because those are things I have used to help clear my skin. Clear skins equals to being able to dermaroll! I post my honest opinions (whether it's positive or negative)and tell you what has worked for me. Like I've said so many times before, we are all different so something that worked for me may not work for you or vise versa. I'll try anything and if it doesn't work I move on to something else.
Right now, I am working on getting rid of one pimple that won't go away. It's very fleshy and there's nothing inside of it. As soon as it's gone, I'm rolling like a crazy nut!
Thanks for reading my blog! I have a couple of new products I want to blog about that I think could help you. My skin is clearing up thanks to one of these products. I just used something else yesterday so I'll report on the results in a few days. Stay tuned! :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar Cystic Acne Results with photos

I thought I'd share a couple of before and after pictures of what Apple Cider Vinegar did to my 3 cysts! Yep, it ZAP them off my face. There is one small bump left from a fleshy cyst I have. It is not like the any of the other cysts I have ever had. This is a very soft cyst with nothing inside. I have no idea how to get rid of it but ACV did shrink it.

The first 2 pictures are of my cysts before I applied ACV:
cystic acne

get rid of cystic acne
 This is what my skin looked like a few days later! Amazing, right!?!
cystic acne

It's been over 2 years since I've posted these results. Check out the update I posted.

Do hot compresses really help Cystic Acne?

Apple Cider Vinegar works

As you all know, I have recently started using Apple Cider Vinegar to get rid of my cystic acne. It totally works (look at my before and after pictures)on hard cysts! I got another cyst on my chin and it was BIG! I applied ACV twice the first day (undiluted) and woke up the next morning with a little bump. I applied some more the next night and I woke up with nothing! NADA! It was gone. Then I got another cyst on the bridge of my nose so I applied ACV and guess what!?! 2 days later it was gone. It takes 2 days for it to work on me which is fine. Sometimes those things would stick around for a month or more AND they'd scar! None of these new cysts with the short life span has scarred (what I mean by scarred is indented scars). I do have some red marks left on the bridge of my nose and the other 3 cysts I had before also left red marks but they aren't bad.

Do hot compresses work on cystic acne?

I have one cyst that is fleshy and unlike any cyst I have ever had. It's very soft but there's nothing inside of it and it won't go away. ACV helped shrink it ALOT but there's a little bump AND it's very red. I decided to try a home remedy I read about online: hot compresses supposedly help break up the material inside the cysts.
Well, THAT did not work at all! All it did was make me look like a clown. I started off with warm water because I read that hot water could cause bacteria to multiply. Who knows but I didn't want to take the chance. The warm compresses weren't working (I tried it for 2 days). So, I decided to warm up the water a little more and boy was that a BIG mistake. My whole face turned red.
Look at the picture! ALL that redness wasn't there until I applied the hot compress so please be careful! Luckily, 3 hours later the redness went away but what a pain in the butt! And I had to go out looking like that!
cystic acne and hot compresses

Honestly, I don't think warm or hot compresses work to break up the stuff inside the cyst. It sure didn't work for me! I won't be trying that again! If you try it, then do it when you don't have to leave your house that way if it turns out the way mine did you could at least wait it out until the redness goes away.

I so desperately want that fleshy cyst to go away (it's the dark red mark) so that I can finally dermaroll that side of my face. If anybody has any suggestions on what I can do, please message me or post a comment with advice!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar for cystic acne

I think I may have found something that works for me. I'm still on the fence about this one because I just started this yesterday but it worked. It may be a one time thing so I need to try this a few more times to make sure.

Apple Cider Vinegar for cystic acne 

The other day I was doing research and I came across a ton of reviews about Apple Cider Vinegar. About 90% of the reviews I read were positive but there were a few negative reviews. I am super desperate and I'm willing to try anything (as long as it's affordable) at this point so off I raced to the nearest health food store and purchased some Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. This is brand is supposed to be the best because it's Organic, Raw, Unfiltered, with the 'Mother'. If it's been processed, I read it doesn't work.
The moment I came home, I applied the Apple Cider Vinegar to my cysts. Most people dilute it because it's super strong but I didn't do that. I poured a little bit into the cap, dipped in a Q-tip and applied it to my cysts. It didn't sting or burn me at all (I read that it stings but I felt nothing). The first time I left it on my skin for about 10 minutes and then rinsed and noticed that some of the redness around the cysts had subsided (at the end of the day). This morning I woke up and my cysts were still there so I was super disappointed BUT the redness had subsided some more. I told myself that if anything at least it helped with the blotchiness.  It also made one cyst come to a head so I poked a small hole in the tip and drained it. It's almost the end of the day here and 2 of my big cysts have decreased in size by at least 90%. They are still there but they are super duper tiny bumps! I am so excited (knock on wood...don't want to jinx myself). The cyst that I drained is very small too but there's a scab since I poked a hole. The other one that won't go away is still there. No change or anything. :( except that it's not red anymore so at least it's not as noticeable. 

Do a patch test first

I am no expert and just started using this stuff yesterday but I would recommend that you test a small spot before you apply it to your face. Everybody's skin reacts differently so make sure you don't get a reaction before you try it. I read about a lady who broke out badly after using ACV and someone else burned her skin. Luckily, that did not happen to me probably because my skin has become so tough thanks to dermarolling.

Look online for recipes but be careful

If you need to, dilute it. There are tons of recipes online. Just do a search. 
Some people ingest it (2 tbs a day, I think). Do a search for recipes. Some people add tea, others add it to water, while others add in a whole bunch of stuff like honey and cinnamon. 
I will update with results once I try it on a few more cysts (when they come out). 


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Does Tea Tree Oil get rid of cystic acne

I have been trying to find something to help get rid of or at least reduce the size of the cysts I get. Every time a scar fills in, a new one takes its place. It is so frustrating!
I tried Mandelic Acid (25%) and it helped the non cystic acne but didn't really help my cysts. It shrunk them but I got a new one and it did nothing for it.

 My experience with tea tree oil

I have been reading a lot about Tea Tree oil and how it has helped a lot of people get rid of their cysts. I have been trying it and it hasn't done a thing for me. I tried it without diluting it and it was too strong and inflamed my skin (thankfully I spot treated) so then I diluted it by mixing it with some lotion but the smell was too much for me. Even so, I continued using it for about a week and nothing. The cysts are still there.
I popped a zit (I never learn) and became inflamed and it left a little hole so I put neosporin on it. By the next day, most of the redness was gone. I also applied it to my cyst and it helped with the redness. It's still red but not as bad so I will be using neosporin whenever I get inflammation.

Light Dermarolling for product penatration

Oh, I dermarolled again today but very lightly. I don't have a smaller roller only the 1.5mm so that's what I used but it was super light. I just wanted something to help with product penetration. I seemed to have some extra wrinkles in my smile line (only on one side) and my face looks a little lopsided. I haven't had much luck with dermarolling wrinkles away but it doesn't hurt to keep trying.

Anyway, to get back to what I was talking about before, Tea Tree Oil has not helped my cystic acne. Maybe it will help yours. Doesn't hurt to try. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dermarolling #7

I finally rolled again! It's been a long time and boy did it hurt! lol I had to roll around the 2 cysts I have but the odd thing was they got all wrinkley like I punctured them but I didn't roll on them. Strange.
I have new scars and in my experience dermarolling doesn't help with new scars but I am desperate and will do whatever I can do at least minimize their appearance.
I rolled really hard this time...I was as dripping with blood. I only rolled my forehead, the smile lines and the area on the sides of my mouth. After I was done, I washed my face and applied Vitamin C serum and Vitamin A.
Updates to come once the swelling has gone down.

Mandelic Acid final review

I used Mandelic Acid 3 times and it did help with the redness inside of my indented scars. The cyst I had shriveled up and then came back as a fleshy bump.:( I was so sad. It did help a small cyst I had but it's still there. I just shrunk to half its size.
The conclusion I have come to is that Mandelic acid works wonderful on non cystic acne and will completely dry it up. I have a few zits and Mandelic Acid zapped those suckers quick! The peel did not really help my cysts. Sure, it shrunk them but they are still there.  I am so bummed.
It is also very drying so I have decided that I will continue to use this peel but only as a spot treatment on my non cystic acne.
Oh it also helped some wrinkles on my forhead. Not all of them are gone and you can see them but they have softened ALOT! 
I was really hoping this would be the answer to my cystic acne problem but the search continues....