Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar for cystic acne

I think I may have found something that works for me. I'm still on the fence about this one because I just started this yesterday but it worked. It may be a one time thing so I need to try this a few more times to make sure.

Apple Cider Vinegar for cystic acne 

The other day I was doing research and I came across a ton of reviews about Apple Cider Vinegar. About 90% of the reviews I read were positive but there were a few negative reviews. I am super desperate and I'm willing to try anything (as long as it's affordable) at this point so off I raced to the nearest health food store and purchased some Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. This is brand is supposed to be the best because it's Organic, Raw, Unfiltered, with the 'Mother'. If it's been processed, I read it doesn't work.
The moment I came home, I applied the Apple Cider Vinegar to my cysts. Most people dilute it because it's super strong but I didn't do that. I poured a little bit into the cap, dipped in a Q-tip and applied it to my cysts. It didn't sting or burn me at all (I read that it stings but I felt nothing). The first time I left it on my skin for about 10 minutes and then rinsed and noticed that some of the redness around the cysts had subsided (at the end of the day). This morning I woke up and my cysts were still there so I was super disappointed BUT the redness had subsided some more. I told myself that if anything at least it helped with the blotchiness.  It also made one cyst come to a head so I poked a small hole in the tip and drained it. It's almost the end of the day here and 2 of my big cysts have decreased in size by at least 90%. They are still there but they are super duper tiny bumps! I am so excited (knock on wood...don't want to jinx myself). The cyst that I drained is very small too but there's a scab since I poked a hole. The other one that won't go away is still there. No change or anything. :( except that it's not red anymore so at least it's not as noticeable. 

Do a patch test first

I am no expert and just started using this stuff yesterday but I would recommend that you test a small spot before you apply it to your face. Everybody's skin reacts differently so make sure you don't get a reaction before you try it. I read about a lady who broke out badly after using ACV and someone else burned her skin. Luckily, that did not happen to me probably because my skin has become so tough thanks to dermarolling.

Look online for recipes but be careful

If you need to, dilute it. There are tons of recipes online. Just do a search. 
Some people ingest it (2 tbs a day, I think). Do a search for recipes. Some people add tea, others add it to water, while others add in a whole bunch of stuff like honey and cinnamon. 
I will update with results once I try it on a few more cysts (when they come out). 


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