Friday, August 26, 2011

Dermarolling: Scars improving!

I have noticed a HUGE difference in my scars. I was just looking at my scars in different lighting and the most noticable ones (except for the one I hate) are almost gone. You can't see them at all unless I stretch my skin!  whoohoo! I am so glad I tried the dermarolling and I cant' wait for my next session! I'll be getting microdermabrasion first and then will roll about 4 days later.

The next time I roll, I will be rolling the entire part of my lower face (from nose and below) because that's where my problem areas are. And I will be focusing on that line scar I hate so much. I had been focusing on the other big scars but I am satisfied with them now. Of course I would like perfect skin, but I know that isn't possible. I will continue with this for as long as I can...

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