Friday, August 26, 2011

Dermarolling: Scars improving!

I have noticed a HUGE difference in my scars. I was just looking at my scars in different lighting and the most noticable ones (except for the one I hate) are almost gone. You can't see them at all unless I stretch my skin!  whoohoo! I am so glad I tried the dermarolling and I cant' wait for my next session! I'll be getting microdermabrasion first and then will roll about 4 days later.

The next time I roll, I will be rolling the entire part of my lower face (from nose and below) because that's where my problem areas are. And I will be focusing on that line scar I hate so much. I had been focusing on the other big scars but I am satisfied with them now. Of course I would like perfect skin, but I know that isn't possible. I will continue with this for as long as I can...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dermarolling: Amazing results!

I decided to count all my icepicks but when I stretched my skin to start counting I saw the most amazing thing! Some of them are filling in! I know because I could see a piece of skin inside (in the middle) of the hole and it's at least 90% filled in. This is for SEVERAL icepicks.  It looks a little bumpy in the area where all the ice picks are clustered and filling it...but I am hoping maybe microdermabrasion would smooth that out. or maybe it will smooth out on it's own once it's done repairing itself. I want to make it clear that the icepicks that are filling in are the smallest ones. The bigger ones are still there and there hasn't been any change in those. The scar I hate hasn't improved and the other one that was improving hasn't improved anymore. :( But at least those little ones are filling in! That's good news!

Okay, just wanted to pop in real quick to give you all an update! I got so excited that i forgot to count my icepicks....:)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dermarolling Session #3

I rolled for the 3rd time on August 6th, 2011. I rolled hard but I felt as if I did something wrong. I'll explain later. First I'd like to show you some pics!

Before I rolled. that is my scar that is almost gone! I wish I knew how to put arrows. 

Before I rolled. You can see the line scar I hate  in this pic. ugh

Right after I rolled. You can see the blood spots
Other side.

One day after I rolled. See the redness. It was like this for 2 days

One day after rolling. Red 

Okay so what I did was I rolled on Saturday night before I went to bed. Right after I rolled, I took a quick shower (like a 10 min one to wash the blood spots) and immediately  applied my rentinol and it burned like crazy!! I was a bit worried. After about 20 minutes the burning feeling went away and I felt fine. I was a little worried about that because last time I rolled I feel asleep with a tingly/burnish feeling and this time it was gone! I felt as if maybe I didn't roll well enough but I was pretty red. For a few days after (reason why it took so long to update. I wanted to see what was going on before I posted), it looked like I had butchered my skin. Not what I experienced last time. I was totally freaking out. I thought I had scarred myself but the butchered meat look is gone and I think I am still microswelling. Either that or my scar (the one that has been improving) and some of the little ice picks have improved significantly. It's probably just microswelling. What I am going to do is count all my ice picks and see if any go away in a few months. I looks like some have filled in but since I didn't count before I am not sure so I can't say for sure.

I will update soon!Sometimes I feel like it's working and other times I am not so sure. My husband says my scars are less visible but can I really believe him? He's my husband...he might be saying that to make me feel better.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dermarolling: Getting ready to roll tomorrow

Tomorrow will be my 3rd session of dermarolling. It's more like my 2nd since I don't think I rolled correctly the first time.
I will be taking before, during (so you can see what the blood spots look like), and after pictures and will post them on Sunday. I like to roll right before bedtime so I won't be posting anything tomorrow.

My Thoughts:

I want to share my thoughts about dermarolling. I can see why people get takes time to see results but most of us are impatient (me) and when there are no results or minor results, we give up. I have felt like giving up a couple of times. I want to see BIG changes and I want to see them now!  I haven't seen much of a change except in one scar. The scar I want fixed hasn't changed a bit...I feel so discourage and can't help but wonder if I am going to be stuck with this ugly thing for the rest of my life. It looks like a big wrinkle! ugh.
I have read several blogs were people START to blog about their dermarolling journey and they promise to keep posting but then they stop with no warning. It is so discouraging! I dont like that. I don't want to do that to you. I am going to share my experience with you whether it's good or bad. I am going to be open and honest with you.  I don't want to mislead you. I know I don't like it when someone claims that some miracle product works only to find out that it was all a scam.
I have heard that dermarolling works for some people and it doesn't for others. I am hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that it will work for me and hopefully it will work for you(or has worked for you) and I hope that you'll share your story with us. We all need hope...
Like I said before, It has helped one scar (by 50%) so maybe it will help the other scars or maybe it won't. I will keep you updated. Please feel free to post comments or ask questions.