Sunday, May 19, 2013

25% Mandelic Acid

I applied the 25% Mandelic Acid last night and I am sooo Happy I purchased this stuff. It's too soon to tell so I don't want to get too excited but omg I'm excited about this stuff.

How I applied the 25% Mandelic Acid

What I did was I washed my face with face wash, dried it off  then cleaned it again with alcohol and rinsed it off. Patted my skin dry and applied the peel with a q-tip. The consistency was pretty watery so be careful not to let it drip all over you.
The peel came with very clear instructions. Start at the forehead and go back and forth with the q-tip until you've done your entire face. I also did my neck for the fun of it. :) I set my timer on and waited 4 minutes (I didn't have the timer set when I started applying the peel). Instructions say to wait 2-5 minutes then rinse.
I didn't feel any burning sensation but I hear that's normal since this peel is so gentle. I did, however, feel some itchiness towards the end of my wait. Once time was up, I rinsed my face off and then decided to hop into the shower so I soaped my face while I was in there. My package came with a free sample of Aloe vera jelly so I applied it to my skin after my shower.


My skin was a little red afterward but not bad. A sunspot I have not been able to get rid of (even after spending a few hundred dollars on professional microdermabrasion) flaked off. Not all of it but a little section. The other parts of the sunspots were really flaky last night but when I woke up the flakiness was gone but sunspots are still there. :( I am pretty sure a few more peels will get rid of them. Super excited about that! Wrinkles and fine lines were still very visible.
I woke up and the first thing I did was look in the mirror . I noticed that the lines on my forehead have softened ALOT. They are really deep so I wasn't expecting much but I am actually happy with the way they are right now. 
What really amazed me was I have this scar near my mouth...a little lower actually that is in line with my smile line so everytime I smile I look like a puppet on one side. I HATE that so I rarely smile especially in pictures. Guess what? The sucker is gone! Totally gone! I keep smiling in the mirror because I can't believe it's not there anymore. I hope that it doesn't come back. I'll take the wrinkles and red marks back if it means that I won't get the scar back. This could be a fluke so I don't want to get anybody excited but I couldn't wait to update. I will take pictures in about a week or so to show results. Oh and my skin is super smooth as a baby's butt. whoohoo. I am loving this stuff.

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