Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dermarolling: Results! What do you think

I was finally able to roll yesterday. I was actually kinda nervous. It had been awhile (thanks to my breakouts) and I was hoping I wouldn't make a mistake and leave track marks.

Popping noises while dermarolling! 

The moment I started rolling, my skin started making this horrible popping noise. Worse than before. It was loud and it felt rough as I rolled the scarred area. It hurt too! Really badly. My eyes were watering but I kept on going. The area beside my lip was bleeding ALOT! Did I mention that it hurt? I must have pressed too hard. Fortunately, I am fine today and there's no butchered skin. It's fine, thank goodness.

I decided it do my chin area and my upper lip too and it HURT! OUCH! I didn't do a good job above my lip because it hurt so bad but I have next time to do better.
After it was done, I was as read a cherry! It was scary to look at. I took a shower and carefully washed off the blood. After my shower, I put on some vitamin E (cream form). It was soothing but I felt like I had a sunburn. I was happy though because I know this is working. The pain is totally worth it.
I woke up this morning and put on some Vitamin A. I will be putting on some Vitamin E, C and A before bed.


My skin looks great. It's a bit red but it's all swelled up so I look like I have no scars. I love this. Microswelling is so awesome! I wish it could stay like this forever.

Here are some pictures:
dermarolling scars
1st pictures I took back in June.

acne scars
Taken in June. Other side 
acne scars
1 month after my first roll
acne scars
Taken Nov. 4th, 2011 (most recent) Lighting is different because I could not recreate same lighting.

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