Monday, December 17, 2012

Dermarolling caused too much skin growth

 The area where I have the most acne scars (on both corners of my lips) has become very bumpy with what looks like the overgrown of skin. I am not sure what to make of this. Sorry for the quality of the picture but I purposely took the picture with the sun hitting my face so that you can see what I am talking about.  I took a picture under normal lighting and you can not see the extra skin.  It looks like pimples in the picture but it is not acne. It is the overgrown of skin.

dermarolling scarred skin
See those bumps...that's extra skin. I think Microdermabrasion will smooth it down.

Here's a picture taken of my skin under normal lighting. As you can see, the bumps aren't visible which is why I posted the bright picture above.

dermarolling scarred skin
Picture taken under normal lighting. You can't see the bumps but they are there!

I am due for another dermaroll...actually I was supposed to roll on December 7th, 2012 but I didn't have the time. I will probably roll this weekend. I'll post new pictures so you can see the progress. My skin is still healing (very slowly) so that's good. The acne scars look so much better but I haven't noticed much of a difference in my fine lines. Maybe I need work work on those areas a little harder.... 

I posted an update on the overgrowth of skin. Click on the link to read what happened: Dermarolling update

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Does Dermarolling help erase fine lines?

I've been dermarolling for almost 1 1/2 years because I've been trying to get rid of my pitted acne scars. If you've been following my blog, then you know that I have had a tremendous amount of success with getting rid of old small pitted scars and had some success shrinking medium sized scars and almost no to very little success in getting rid of the brand new scars.
I'm still young..ish (35 years old) so I don't have major wrinkles except for some on my forehead (sorta deep due to my squinting problem) and very very fine lines near my eyes and I've got very faint smile lines. I've been rolling those smiles lines since I started dermarolling and they are still there. I honestly haven't seen much a of change which is disappointing. :( I've read the dermarolling works on fine lines so I'll keep working on those areas and keep you updated.
I haven't had the courage to roll the area around my eyes since the skin is so sensitive there but I rolled my forehead during session 6...If you want to read about that dermarolling experience check this post and this one). I haven't seen any change but it's only been a few weeks. I honestly don't think rolling gets rid of fine lines but maybe it takes time!?!
Has anybody had success with their fine lines? I've read Dr. Fernandez's studies and seen pictures of his patients who had wrinkles and I was amazed with the results. He uses a few other products (like Large doses of Vitamin A before the procedure is done) so maybe that is the difference.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dermarolling #6 update

Just thought I'd give you all a quick update on my last dermarolling session.

Dermarolling progress

The holes that were left on my forehead have closed! YAY! I was so worried about that. I am going to see how things go these next 6 weeks and if I see even a teeny tiny change I may roll my forehead again. I would love to minimize the lines on my forehead but I can live with them if I have to. It's the acne scars I don't want to live with.

My nose is fine, Thankfully. It is flaking alot but I don't know if it's because I rolled that area or if it's because of the weather.  The area around my lips (on both sides) are also flaking (very minor flaking). I don't think that's happened before.

There's absolutely NO Microswelling going on around my nose area or forehead. :( But the area I normally roll (from below my nose to my chin)is nice and plump. My skin looks fabulous right now. I believe that if I didn't keep on getting new scars (Thanks to my cystic acne) that my skin would be scar free (or at least almost scar free since I know the dermaroller won't completely 100% get rid of the scars) but unfortunately I have new scars. New scars seem to be harder to get rid of. The old ones respond better to the dermaroller.

I will post pictures the next time I roll so that we can compare the changes. Happy Rolling! 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dermarolling Session #6

I dermarolled for the 6th time yesterday (October 26,2012) but this time I added my nose and forehead. I am not recommending it because I can see little holes in my forehead now. I'm a little freaked out but there's nothing I can do about that except HOPE the holes close up. I'll keep you updated.

Why you shouldn't dermaroll your nose

I rolled my nose too but it's full of enlarged pores so I don't know if any extra holes were left behind like on my forehead. I really don't nose looks horrible either way. I did, however, come across an article (didn't bookmark it so I don't have the link) that said NOT to dermaroll your nose because supposedly the skin on the nose doesn't heal well. Oops. I didn't read that until AFTER I rolled my nose but it doesn't look damaged. Microswelling doesn't seem to have worked on my nose either. The enlarged pores are still there...oh well. I'm more concerned about my scars. Looks like I have new ones and one of them is a line scar again. ugh. why does this happen to me? I hate this.
I worked really hard on the area around my lips and chin. I bled and the popping sound was horrendous. It was also very hard to roll the newly scarred I was rolling through mud. I know that's the scar tissue breaking up. I am looking forward to rolling these scars away. Most of the other ones I was working on before have filled it.
Can you all believe that it's been about 1 year 4 months since I started rolling! Amazing how time flies but I'm telling you, if you stick with it you won't regret it. Now if I can only figure out a way to prevent new zits from appearing....ugh

Interesting Study with pictures done on Dermarolling

I found this interesting study done on Dermarolling and thought I'd share it with you. The study shows that dermarolling does work but only on certain types of scars which could explain why dermarolling works for some people but not for others. Check out the pictures and tell me it doesn't work! I love it!
Here's the article:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dermarolling Session #5

My skin finally healed and I have not gotten another acne cyst lately so I was able to Dermaroll on Sunday, September 2nd, 2012.  I was so excited. It had been awhile since I last Dermarolled so there were quite a few new scars that needed to be worked on.
My scarred skin was really HARD so when I started rolling it started to pop. The popping sound always creeps me out but at the same time it feels good knowing I am breaking up the scar tissue. 
I ran out of my Vitamin A cream so I had to apply Vitamin E afterward. I prefer the Vitamin A cream better. I think it works better on the scars. I used Vitamin E when I started rolling but once I switched to Vitamin A I started to see (faster) results.
I took some pictures before I Dermarolled but I am going to wait to post them until 6 weeks so that I can post side by side before and after pictures to see if there are any changes in my new scars.
Right now, my skin looks amazing! I Love Microswelling!
I'll keep you all updated. Oh and I may have discovered what has been causing my cystic acne!!!!!! I am still doing some research but once I read more about the potential culprit, I'll share it with you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Oxygen Facials and cystic acne

Recently, I met a lady who gives Oxygen Facials. Having never heard of an oxygen facial, I Googled it to see what it could do for my skin. Basically, from what I understand, pressurized oxygen is used to spray atomized moisturizers into your skin which will in turn hydrate your skin smoothing it out and plumping it up.
There is no evidence indicating that this truly works but I did a ton of research and people claim it helps to smooth out wrinkles, get rid of small scars, and (this next part is what caught my eye) helps with cystic acne!
Treatment is very expensive and can cost anywhere from $175 per session up to $500 per session. The lady who does it here charges $175 which is  too steep for me but I'm going to save up for a package. Supposedly, you need to have at least 3 treatments to see a difference. If I do it, I will post updates with pictures on my progress and hopefully it won't be a waste of money.Wish me luck!
If it helps with the cystic acne, then it will have been worth every cent!


I never got the oxygen facial. I had a few friends who tried a few sessions but there was no difference in acne scars. Wrinkles disappeared but for a very short time-a few days. Total waste of money, IMO

Monday, August 20, 2012

How to prevent Track Marks when you Dermaroll

Before I started Dermarolling, I did a lot of research and one the of things I kept coming across was people talking about track marks that had been left on their face after they had Dermarolled. Some people claimed to have had the track marks for months and months and feared the track marks were permanent. Nobody knew what caused the marks and if they did, they didn't mention it.
My biggest fear was scarring my face with track marks. I mean, the reason I was going to Dermaroll was to get rid of scars so what was the point of Dermarolling if it was going to leave even uglier scars on my skin? It actually took me a while to take the plunge.
I know exactly what causes the track marks after Dermarolling and I'm going to share it with you. It's all in the roll.

How to prevent track marks when dermarolling

This is what you need to do to prevent track marks:
 As you come to the end of a roll, LIFT the roller before rolling in the opposite direction. So, you Dermaroll up and at the end of that roll lift the Dermaroller before you roll down. Keep lifting the Dermaroller after every roll. If you leave the Dermaroller on your skin and start to roll the opposite direction, the needle are going to drag. The dragging of the needles are going to leave the track marks and possibly even scar your skin.
So there you go. You now know how track marks are made and how to prevent them. 

dermaroll acne scars

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dermarolling: Before and After

I haven't been able to Dermaroll in quite some time thanks to my acne cysts. I was planning on Dermarolling this weekend but I woke up with a big fat cyst on my face so I may either roll the other side or wait until my skin has cleared up and roll both sides at the same time.

cystic acne and dermarolling
My new cyst. I hate this. I will not be able to dermaroll this side for at least another week or 2. If I'm lucky, another one won't pop up preventing me from rolling. It's been way too long
 I have a few new acne scars and one that is a big line scar that I haven't been able to work on. It's never been rolled so it looks bad but I know once I start dermarolling it will heal. Maybe not 100% but it will look better. Here's my pictures (the next time I take pictures, I'll try to recreate the same lighting. I had a hard time today but I'll work on it).

linear acne scar
That line (not talking about Parenthesis line..that's just old age. haha I'm taking about the one below my smile line) is a new scar that I have not rolled. I'm sharing this as a Before picture so that I can measure the improvement once I start rolling.
Here are Before and After Pictures of the scars I have been working on
acne scar
Taken before I started rolling

dermarolling acne scars
 Picture taken today. Sorry the lighting is different but this is the best I could do. As you can see, the dark red spot (indented scar) isn't as visible. That has healed about 50% or so. All the other holes are slowly closing too. You can barely even see them! 


Monday, August 13, 2012

Does Microdermabrasion help with indented acne scars?

Before I began my Dermarolling journey, I tried Microdermabrasion. I really wanted to get rid of my indented scars but I didn't have the money to spend on laser surgery or any of the other expensive treatments I had read about. Plus, a lot of those treatments, like Laser surgery, could cause more scarring so I didn't want to take the chance. I had done so much research on the subject and Microdermabrasion kept coming up.

Microdermabrasion reviews and my dermatologists opinion

I read about a million reviews (at least that's what it felt like) and most people claimed that Microdermabrasion helped get rid of their indented scars. There were some people who said it didn't work at all but I wasn't paying any attention to them. I REALLY wanted this to work.

On February, 22, 2011, I made an appointment to see my dermatologist. There was a medical Esthetician that worked in his office so I asked him if Microdermabrasion would help get rid of my indented acne scars. He didn't directly say no but he implied that it wouldn't get rid of them.  His exact words were, " will help smooth out your skin in that area." That was enough to convince myself that yes it would work!

I scheduled my first Microdermabrasion session for the following week. The cost would be $85 per session and I planned on having at least 8 of them. Maybe more if I had the money!  I ended up getting a treatment every 2 weeks for a totally of 7 Microdermabrasion sessions. After the 7th session, I got 1 treatment a month for 3 months. It was around the final months of getting Microdermabrasion treatments that I started dermarolling.

Did microdermabrasion help my acne scars?

I know what you're wondering...did it work? The answer is no, it did not. It did exactly what my Dermatologist told me it would do. It smoothed out my skin especially the scarred area  (my skin was really rough looking and bumpy in that area) but the scars were still there. Every single one of them.
The machine used on my skin was the kind that shoots out crystals. I've heard about the type of machine that uses a diamond tip on your skin. Maybe that makes a difference. I don't know.
I really didn't like the machine that uses the crystals because once the session was done, the crystals were left all over my face. My Esthetician cleaned my face really well but the only way to get that stuff off my skin was to take a good shower. She also couldn't use the wand near my eyes which wasn't good. I am a squinter so I have a few fine lines so any bit of help to minimize their appearance wouldn've been nice but that wasn't possible with the crystals. 

Benefits of Microdermabrason

Although Microdermabrasion did not get rid of my indented scars, it brightened up my skin. I had a lot of red marks where previous cysts had been and in areas where I had poked at my skin. All the red marks completely disappeared after my 3rd Microdermabrasion treatment. So, if the type of "scarring" you have are just red marks, Microdermabrasion would definitely help with that. I also noticed that some fine lines were minimized. The deep ones on my forehead (thanks to all the squinting I do) were still visible but all the little lines were almost non existent. If I could afford it, I would have kept getting Micro treatments every couple of months (just for the benefit of getting rid of the red marks and fine lines).

Microdermabrasion results are not permanent

 I had already spent $850 on Micro treatments (in a very short period of time) and that's not counting the extra money I spent to get facials and all the lotions for my skin. Also, with Microdermabrasion you have to keep going for maintenance because the effects disappear after a couple of months. The red marks won't magically reappear but the fine lines that were smoothed away will come back.


Microdermabrasion or Dermaroller?

I recently found a place that does Microdermabrasion treatments for $57 which is a lot more affordable than $85 a session AND they use a diamond tip. I am going to give it a try (to get rid of my red marks and help my fine lines) and see if it helps minimize the scars that I am still working on. Quite honestly, the best indented scar treatment I've used is the dermaroller so that's my number one tool but it doesn't help brighten my skin like Microdermabrasion.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Doxycycline: Does it help with Acne?

I recently had jaw surgery (again) and was prescribed a 14 day supply of Doxycycline to help prevent infections. I hadn't paid much attention to the information sheet that the pharmacist provided with the medication until about a week after I had been taking the antibiotics. I noticed my skin was clearer and the cysts were gone.

Doxycylicne helps with cystic acne

My first thought was that the medication (Doxycycline) was doing something to the acne! I ran over to the my medication cabinet and grabbed the information sheet I had stuffed in it. Turns out Doxcycline is a tetracycline antibiotic and is sometimes used to treat acne. I didn't know that. I was just happy that it helped keep my cysts at bay!

Does it work in the long run? 

After I was done with my prescription, my skin started breaking out again. Badly! Right now I have 5 cysts! My skin is a mess. 2 weeks of beautiful clear skin is not worth it to me! The sad thing is I wasn't even taking the medication to clear my skin. I was taking it because of my jaw surgery and the clear skin was a happy side effect....until I finished the prescription. 
I've come to the conclusion that tetracycline is not good for me. I need to stay away from that stuff because although it works to help get rid of the cysts, they end up coming back worse once I am done with the medication. That's just not worth it. Not to me.

Dermarolling update

Because of the cysts, I haven't been able to Dermaroll. I do have some great news to report though! If you've read my previous post, then you know about the one scar that I HATE because it looks like a wrinkle (in my smile line). It seems that the Dermaroller may have helped it. As soon as my terrible skin heals, I'll post a picture so that you can see what I am talking about. For now, I'll leave you with the image of my bad skin thanks to Doxycycline:

scarred skin
All those red marks are where my cysts are. The big red mark is where the cyst I had was popped by me (yesterday). It may scar in my smile line. :( I couldn't resist.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Minocycline side effects

Minocycline can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as bacterial infections, tick fever, chlamydia, and skin conditions. What most people aren't aware of is that the side effects caused by Minocycline can be devastating!

Side Effects of Minocycline

 Minocycline can cause birth control to be ineffective and if you're pregnant can cause birth defects in babies. It can also cause tooth discoloration (in your baby) later in life. If you have a baby and are breastfeeding, do not take the medication. It can pass into the milk and cause your child's teeth to turn yellow or gray. It's permanent so don't take any chances!

Taking Minocycline for an extended amount of time can also cause your teeth to turn yellow or gray. It also will cause your skin to discolor both of which are permanent. I've read stories of people who claim the discoloration on their skin fades while others have been living with it for years so there is a possibility that once Minocycline is out of your system your skin will clear up. That is not so for your teeth. Once they become discolored, they stay that way.

It can also cause Lupus! How scary is that! For those of you who don't know what lupus is, it is an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks healthy tissue.

Every drug you take will have side effects. I wanted to point out the side effects Minocycline causes that were the scariest but could be controlled as long as you do not take a high dose or take the drug for a long time.  Don't take Minocycline for more than 4 months because it could cause a lot of problems for you and you'll be even more miserable than you were before you took the drug.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dermarolling updates will be more consistent

I am sorry I haven't been updating this blog as often as I should. I've been really bummed about my skin. No matter what I do, I can't seem to control my cystic acne. Just when my skin is starting to look normal (thanks to my dermaroller), I start breaking out.
I can live with normal's the cysts that are driving me crazy! Not only are they ugly and painful, but they scar. Like I've said in previous posts, dermarolling seems to work best on old scars but it has helped a little bit with the new ones. It just takes longer for it to work on them (new scars).
I will be more consistent with updates and pictures. It's kinda hard to show the improvement when I keep getting new scars but I am going to share it all with you.
I am still a big fan of the dermaroller. It has done wonders to my skin. I can only imagine how terrible my skin would have looked like if I hadn't taken a chance on the dermaroller. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Minocycline: Does it help cystic acne?

For the past 7 years, I have been suffering from cystic acne. I would normally get 1 small cyst which wouldn't be too terrible except when it went away it left behind a scar. I'm not talking about a red mark either (I get those too but I can live with red marks...the scars are a whole different story)! It would leave behind a small indented scar.
If you've read my previous posts, you'll see (pictures) the damage those cysts have caused. I was left with a ton of little holes on both side of my lips. For the past 2 years, I have been picking at the cysts. BIG MISTAKE! Picking at the cysts left a couple of medium sized scars including 2 icepick scars in my smile line where it now looks like a wrinkle!

What Minocylcline did to my skin

Before I started dermarolling, I went to see a dermatologist who prescribed Minocycline. I took 50mg daily and I was only allowed to take it for 4 months because of the side effects (which I will discuss in my next post). During those 4 months, my skin was fabulous! Not one single cyst appeared. I felt great! I was happy and I was hoping this effect would last once I was off Minocycline.  Unfortunately, that was not the case for me.
Once I was off Minocycline, I started getting 2 cysts at a time. That had never happened before. I lived with it for a few months and then went back to my dermatologist who once again prescribed more Minocycline. That would be my last try and I was hoping for the best. After I finished the prescription, my skin got worse. I now break out with 6-8 small cysts a month and they aren't just near my mouth anymore. They now appear on my forehead and in between my eyes.
I want to make it clear that even though Minocycline did not work for me doesn't mean it won't work for you. I've heard that some people take it and never get another cyst again. Others end up having worse breakouts after they are off the medication which was what happened to me.
If you've taken Minocycline, feel free to comment about your experience with it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dermarolling: Recent breakout has caused red marks

 I have had another bad breakout and now I've got red marks that are taking waaay too long to disappear. This past month I got 6 cysts. They aren't huge but they leave red marks and a couple look indented but the skin is fine. It's just red. Isn't it weird how sometimes redness makes the skin look indented?
As soon as these red marks clear up, I'll post more pictures of what my skin looks like now. I really love how the scarred areas are filling in. Like I said before, it works on the small scars the best and that's what I am full of.....A whole bunch of little clustered scars (on both sides of my lips). I've got a few med. sized ones too and those have healed a bit too but I am not expecting a miracle. I know scars can not vanish completely and that's fine with me.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dermaroller Session #4 and What types of scars has it healed and what types of scars it did not work on

I finally rolled again on April 1st. Before I tell you how that went, I'd like to talk about my results from past rolls and what I've noticed.


Dermarolling helps the small scars. I had a ton of tiny little ones on both side of my mouth. Yuck I know...when I stretch my skin it looked like cottage cheese. Most (but not all) of the little holes have filled in. I am happy with the results but I am going to continue rolling to see if more of the little holes fill in.

I've also noticed the older scars seems to react better to the rolling.

Bigger scars take longer to fill in. I have a big (kinda big but not huge) scar on one side of my mouth. It filled in halfway but there hasn't been any change in months. I don't know if it'll fill in more but I'll continue to roll to see if it does. You can't see it unless I stretch my skin. Before I started rolling, it was noticeable even without being stretched.

I have 2 icepick type scars that I got from squeezing a cyst. Those are the scars that create the line....well it's still there. :((( I really want that one gone but I don't think the roller works on those types of scars. 

April 1st 2012, I rolled. I rolled the whole area around my mouth and all the way down my chin. My skin was bleeding like it always does and it felt windburned for a few days but my skin looked awesome for the past two weeks. The microswelling has gone done and now it's time to wait to see what happens. I love rolling.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I rolled on November 6th, 2011 and actually wrote the blog but I have been having trouble posting the pictures. Once I figure out the problem, I'll post the pics.

I haven't rolled since then because I have had some work done on my teeth (gum grafts) and I'm afraid that if I roll the pressure could mess up the gum graft. The area I roll, as many of you know, is on both sides of my lips and that's pretty close to where I got the gum graft. Once it's healed, I'll continue. I hate the waiting....


As far as the results go, my skin is so much better. I am still getting cysts so that sucks. But the scars are so much smaller and I feel better about myself. My son told me the other day that he could hardly see the scars...that they look alot smaller than before. I'm excited and really believe in this.