Saturday, November 10, 2012

Does Dermarolling help erase fine lines?

I've been dermarolling for almost 1 1/2 years because I've been trying to get rid of my pitted acne scars. If you've been following my blog, then you know that I have had a tremendous amount of success with getting rid of old small pitted scars and had some success shrinking medium sized scars and almost no to very little success in getting rid of the brand new scars.
I'm still young..ish (35 years old) so I don't have major wrinkles except for some on my forehead (sorta deep due to my squinting problem) and very very fine lines near my eyes and I've got very faint smile lines. I've been rolling those smiles lines since I started dermarolling and they are still there. I honestly haven't seen much a of change which is disappointing. :( I've read the dermarolling works on fine lines so I'll keep working on those areas and keep you updated.
I haven't had the courage to roll the area around my eyes since the skin is so sensitive there but I rolled my forehead during session 6...If you want to read about that dermarolling experience check this post and this one). I haven't seen any change but it's only been a few weeks. I honestly don't think rolling gets rid of fine lines but maybe it takes time!?!
Has anybody had success with their fine lines? I've read Dr. Fernandez's studies and seen pictures of his patients who had wrinkles and I was amazed with the results. He uses a few other products (like Large doses of Vitamin A before the procedure is done) so maybe that is the difference.

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