Friday, June 17, 2011

My first experience using the dermaroller on my acne scars

I heard about dermarolling sometime last year and thought it was crazy to roll a bunch of needles all over my face. There was no way I was doing's one year later and guess what I did!

My Skin Issues

I do not have a bad acne problem or scars all over my face but I was having problems with cystic acne. One would pop up once a month around my mouth and every month a hole would be left behind. Sadly,  I have been left with a ton of ice pick scars on both sides of my lips.

About 3 months ago, I got a HUGE boil which I picked. It got inflamed and my whole face swelled up. What was left behind was an indented scar right where the ( ) parenthesis are so it looks like a big wrinkle!  It looks so horrible.  I became desperate and started looking for something to help get rid of my scars.

The Dermaroller

I looked all over the internet for a cure...for something to help make the stupid scar and ice pick scars disappear. What kept coming up was the little dermaroller. I gave in and bought a 1.5 mm Dr. Roller for $80 on Amazon. I waited a whole month before I used scared the heck out of me. What if it scarred my face even more? Will it hurt??? Will it make the scars worse? Will it really work? Those were the questions that kept going through my mind...

On May 2, I started using Avalon Organics Vitamin C vitality facial serum ($25). I couldn't find any vitamin A that was affordable so I ended up buying the Aveeno Smart Essentials moisturizer with vitamins A, C, and E which was about $13.

One May 21, I did it! I rolled my scars. I did spot treatments since I wasn't too sure about what the dermaroller would do to my face. My only concern were the scars near my mouth and the big crease scar. ugh.

Rolling on either side of my mouth did not hurt. I did not use numbing cream...I guess I can tolerate pain. Rolling the parenthesis area (smile lines) hurt like crazy. My eyes watered and everything! The indentation on the smile line bled a looked like 2 small blood spots. Other than that, everything was fine! No extra holes were left behind.

After I was done, I waited about 10 minutes and put some Vit. E on it. My skin felt like I had a bad rash. Fortunately, I rolled right before bed so I fell asleep right away and when I woke up the rash feeling was gone and the redness was gone too!

 It will be a month since I rolled on June 18th. I can honestly say that I see no difference whatsoever. The scar is still there. Nothing has filled in at all. :( I am guessing I need to give it more time.

 I just found some Vitamin A for $10 at a Beauty store and started using it yesterday. I am hoping that will help.

Photos to Keep Track of Progress

I took some before pictures but my photographer (hubby) didn't do a good job. They all came out blurry but I'm posting them anyway. The next pics will be better. Now I know why people never post's really hard to get good ones and the scars don't really show up very well. Sorry that these are so bad....

These were taken before I rolled:
Dermarolling Acne Scars

dermarolling acne scars
These scars are worse than they look. They are Not super bad but there are holes that are not showing up here and the indentation that I hate doesn't even show up. but it's there!

These pics were taken a week after I rolled (sorry but my photographer was no where to be found so I had to use my computer to take the pics so lighting is different).

You can see how the scars are more visible. The other side isn't as bad.

I stretched my skin to show you the holes...they sure don't look like they are filling in! But it had only been a week and I hear it takes 3 months to see results.

dermarolling ice pick scars
stretched skin

One month after dermarolling:
dermarolling acne scars
stretched skin
Dermarolling acne scars
dermarolling acne scars
I am really sorry about the quality of the pics and the different lighting. I will try to do better next time.

 I won't be rolling until probably 2 more weeks.

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