Monday, June 27, 2011

Dermarolling session #2

I caved and rolled last night (Sunday June 26, 2011). It's been 5 weeks so I think I'm fine. I read that if you roll with a 1mm-2mm roller weekly you could be causing scar tissue to form.

It's recommended to roll every 4-6 weeks (6 weeks being better so that you give your skin time to heal).  I did a WAY better job this time than last. I pressed harder so it hurt pretty badly and there were lots of little specks of blood all over the areas I rolled. It was a scary little sight! And I could hear popping noises!!!!! I was afraid that I had scarred my face even more. But after I washed off the blood specks, my skin didn't look worse. Just really red and puffy. I didn't get any redness the first time I rolled so I am taking this as a good thing. And my skin didn't fluff up last time like it did this time. My husband says he can't even see the scars anymore. :))))  I know it's just microswelling but it feels good not to have holes on my face even if it is just temporary.  The wrinkle that I hate (caused my 2 icepick scars in the smile line area) is still there (sad face) but it's less obvious. I want it gone.
Right after I finished rolling, I put on some Vitamin A. I am hoping it will help with the healing. I didn't have any the first time I rolled so maybe this will make a bigger difference.

Today my skin is feeling a little bit rashy and the area I rolled is red but the scars have greatly diminished. I am feeling happy and  hopeful! I plan on rolling at least 6-7 more times or maybe I will roll for the rest of my life. It depends on how well this thing works. I will keep you all updated and will try to take some decent pictures for you.

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