Friday, January 22, 2016

My Dermarolling Experience Update to my Update! :)

Wow, it's been over a year since I have updated this blog! Lots has happened since I last posted. Here's a quick overview of what I will be posting about. Please read because there is some valuable information that could help you with your acne breakouts.

My skin problems

In my last post, I complained about breaking in small pimples out all over my forehead. This was due, I THINK, to the Facialist using equipment that hadn't been properly sanitized and I am assuming she was using expired products. It took over 6 months to clear my forehead and the rest of my face. Sadly (for me), the acne spread from my forehead down to the rest of my face. I was full of cysts and little pimples. It was horrible.

Do your research before hiring a facialist/esthetician

 If you are thinking of going to a Facialist/Esthetician, research like crazy! Ask your family and friends for recommendations.  Read reviews online. Check out the place before getting anything done.  It's YOUR face. Don't let people be sloppy with your skin.  I learned my lesson the HARD way and I hope you don't have to go through the nightmare I went through. Read How to get rid of acne and red marks to see what I had to deal with.

Getting my skin under control

My skin is finally clear. I rarely break out in cysts and when I do get one or two, they are practically non-existent. Yes, my skin problems are finally under control and I am very thankful for that but some of the scars have remained. This includes the linear scar I have complained about in the past.  I know a scar will never completely heal but I would like to minimize its appearance. Dermarolling helped but some scars are resistant to the dermaroller. There is a reason WHY dermarolling works for some people but not for others. I will share what I know in another post! *The update is up!

Once last thing before I sign off for the day. I spend hours and hours researching and came across a procedure that could help smooth out acne scars. It's very expensive but from what I have read it is very effective. It's called subcision. I will go into more detail about that in a separate post.

Todays post was mostly a list of what I plan on writing about. Stay tuned for more detailed information! Thank You for stopping by and hope you stick with me throughout my journey. It's been a long one but I'm not giving up. I have come too far to give up on my skin!

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