Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mandelic Acid Peel and PMD update

I thought I would post a quick update on the Mandelic Acid Peel and PMD.

Cyst and skin update

The cyst that was shriveling up is still there but much smaller. I can not wait for it to be gone. It looks weird. I had another cyst that was smaller before I applied the Mandelic Acid on it and it is almost gone. You can't even see it. Also, all the little zits I had dried up and are gone. Pores are smaller in some areas BUT I noticed that my scars look they stretched out. I don't know if the Mandelic Acid caused it or if it was the PMD but there is definitely a difference in my scars and it's not good at all. :(

New Scars?

I have been so depressed these past couple of days and I have become obsessed with the mirror. I also noticed new scars..long ones. I think it could have been caused by the PMD. I used the coarse disks (I worked my way up to the roughest disks) and I think that is what caused the scars. I have wide long scar on my forehead, one long underneath my eye (where the pmd pulled some skin off) and one wide scar on both sides of my mouth (right smack in the middle of my smile lines so it looks like a big fat wrinkle). *The scar in my smile line disappeared right after I applied the acid peel but came back a few days later. 
I can not wait to go back to dermarolling but I have to wait until my cyst goes away. I am hoping for this weekend. If not, I will have to roll around the cyst. Dermarolling is definitely better than the PMD that's for sure.
I will keep you updated!

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