Saturday, May 18, 2013

PMD microdermabrasion and Acne Scar Update

I haven't posted in quite awhile mostly because I have been having such terrible cystic acne breakouts. I have not been able to roll at all. My skin is full of new scars. FORTUNATELY, the dermaroller has done it's job and has fixed all the old small scars except for the line scar I mentioned before and one other old one that has filled in alot but it's still there (but you can only see it if I stretch my skin). All the other scars: GONE! They are filled in! I am so happy about that.

PMD Home Microdermabrasion Machine Mini Review

My problem is that I keep getting more scars thanks to my cystic acne problem. I've been searching for that miracle product that will at least reduce the amount of acne I get around my mouth. I purchased a PMD (personal microdermabrasion machine) for about $179 about a month ago and have done about 5 treatments with the light disk. You have options: light, medium or coarse disks. The kit comes with the light and medium disks and they are only good for about 3 uses. I started off with the light one and didn't see a difference in my skin. My husband says my skin looked younger but I don't see that. :( I moved on to the medium disk and that was okay but still no major difference. I ended up purchasing the coarse disks and tried it last week. OMG it is super rough but I felt that one. I put too much pressure and scratched my skin up in some areas and it left some marks but I felt it work AND a sunspot I have peeled off a little bit. Not all of it but some did come off. So, next time I use it I will have to be more careful. I will go into more detail about it later but I just wanted to share what I am using along with the dermaroller. By the way, I did not run the machine over my cysts or the areas healing. I don't want to scar my skin anymore. Right now, the cysts are gone but the scar are still healing.
Here is what the box looks like:
 Here the little machine with some of the disks:

PMD Microdermabrasion

New Product I am trying: 25% Mandelic Acid Peel

Okay so I found another product that I think you all might be interested in. I was looking through Makeup Artists Choice website. I was thinking of doing a chemical peel to help with the red marks when I came across something called a Mandelic Acid Peel. According to the website, it helps with fine lines, hyperpigmentation and ACNE...INCLUDING CYSTIC ACNE!!!! I did some research and read a ton of raving reviews about this stuff. People say it kills off the cyst!!! I was so excited and after 2 days of research ordered the peel. It was on sale so paid a total of $17 with shipping so I got a good deal. I got the 25% Mandelic Acid peel. Regular Price is 15.95 for a 1 oz. bottle (I got a $5 discount) but you can also purchase a sample size for $3.50.
I ordered mine on May 16, 2013 and got it today (May 18th). Talk about fast delivery! I am giving it a try tonight. I took before pics and will post before and after pictures once I am done. I hear it takes a few peels before you see results so I may wait a few weeks before I post the pictures. This peel is gentle enough to use once a week for 2 weeks and then you can use it every 4 days. I am super excited! I will keep you all updated.
I am definitely NOT giving up the dermaroller! I will roll again very soon. It really works for me so can't give that baby up!

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