Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dermarolling: Changes I've seen in my scars

The microswelling has gone down. The ice pick scars are still there but I noticed that the ones on the right side of my mouth have blended together and have now formed a big one (not huge...about the same size as the one on my right side). There are other icepick scars in that area that did not blend with the now big one. I hear ice pick scars are the hardest to get rid of so I take this (that some of them blended and are now a big scar) as a good thing because it may be easier to work on a big one than a whole bunch of little ones.
The scar in my smile line is still there. :( It is a new one and I hear new scars are harder to get rid of and if I stretch my skin you can see 2 ice pick scars. :( :((( I haven't seen any change in this scar. It looked a little better when my skin was swelled up but it's back to be ugly again. The scar next to it (small round one) has definitely filled in about 50%! You can almost not see it! It's like a little indent but I can see that new skin has filled in the hole! I am hoping this is real and that it's not temporary. I also have some icepick scars on the right side of my mouth but honestly I can't tell if there's been any change.

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