Sunday, July 24, 2011


I've got one more week to go before I roll again.

There hasn't been much change in my scars since I last blogged. I can not tell if the icepick scars are getting better. Sometimes they look better but I can't say for sure and I don't want to guess and give you false hope. The scar in my smile line is still changes so far. The scar that I've seen improvement in is still at 50%.There are days where it isn't noticable at all. I am hoping a few more rolls will make that one almost invisible.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dermarolling: Update with pictures

Here are some new pictures taken today.

dermarolling acne scars
Stretched skin:That little red mark is where my skin filled in about 50%.
dermarolling scars
Excuse the ugly red mark on my chin. I was poking at my skin (and I wonder why I scar!). There is some redness in the scar I have been working on (where my lips meet) but the indentation is slight. There still is a hole but it's not as obvious.

Dr. Roller
Do you see that big red mark where my smile line should be? That's the ugly scar that won't go away.

The next pictures I take will be exactly like the first ones I took when I started this journey. Pictures were taken in my guest bathroom but we have guests so I have not had access to it. I will try to recreate the same lighting, position, etc so that you can see if there have been any changes. I have see the change but it's so hard to show in pictures.
I will be rolling in about 2 weeks from now.  I am hoping to get microdermabrasion done before I roll. I had 6 sessions done before I started this but it did nothing for the scars. It did, however, make my skin so beautiful and healthy looking.
I was also on Minocycline for about 4 months to help with the cysts. It helped and they went away but now that I am no longer taking the meds the cysts have come back (hence the big scab on my chin). And I have been getting 2 at time instead of one...ugh. So if I have cysts in a couple of weeks, I will not be getting micro done. :((((((

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dermarolling: Changes I've seen in my scars

The microswelling has gone down. The ice pick scars are still there but I noticed that the ones on the right side of my mouth have blended together and have now formed a big one (not huge...about the same size as the one on my right side). There are other icepick scars in that area that did not blend with the now big one. I hear ice pick scars are the hardest to get rid of so I take this (that some of them blended and are now a big scar) as a good thing because it may be easier to work on a big one than a whole bunch of little ones.
The scar in my smile line is still there. :( It is a new one and I hear new scars are harder to get rid of and if I stretch my skin you can see 2 ice pick scars. :( :((( I haven't seen any change in this scar. It looked a little better when my skin was swelled up but it's back to be ugly again. The scar next to it (small round one) has definitely filled in about 50%! You can almost not see it! It's like a little indent but I can see that new skin has filled in the hole! I am hoping this is real and that it's not temporary. I also have some icepick scars on the right side of my mouth but honestly I can't tell if there's been any change.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

1 week after dermarolling session #2

It will be a week since I rolled. My scars are almost gone. I am wondering how long microswelling lasts!??? My skin looks great. I am hoping this lasts until my next session.