Wednesday, November 16, 2016

PCA: Sensi Chemical Peel Review

You'd think that I would have stayed away from chemical peels after the nightmare I went through, right? Well, I didn't! My old esthetician moved back to this side of town so I bought a microdermabrasion and chemical peel package from her.

PCA:Sensi Chemical Peel

About a year after, I went through my skin nightmare (and after my skin had finally cleared up), I decided to get a series of chemical peels- I bought 3 sessions of microdermabrasion treatments and 3 sessions of the Sensi chemical peels. We would be alternating so I would be going in for a microdermabrasion session then the following month I would go in the chemical peel.  I was nervous but I trusted my esthetician. I've never had a problem when I went to her in the past.

The Chemical Peel Process

My esthetician cleaned my face and gave me instructions. If my skin started to burn really badly, let her know so that she could neutralize it. I agreed. She gave me a nice facial then it was time to get the chemical peel. She did 3 layers and it burned so much. She fanned my skin to cool it down but that wasn't much help. I promised to let her know if it got too hot but I was desperate and wanted my skin to peel so I kept quiet. It burned like CRAZY!

I can't say for sure but it took about 10 minutes or so to get the peel done. Then she neutralized it  washed it off . She put sunblock and a moisturizer on my raw skin and gave me a little bag with PCA products (facial wash, moisturizer, sunblock) to put on my skin for the next two weeks.

Ah My Skin is Peeling!!

Day 1 after the peel wasn't so bad. My skin was really tight. By day 3, my skin started to crinkle and peel a little. I looked like an old lady! By days 4-5, my skin started to peel A LOT. My skin peeled for 2 weeks and it wasn't just little flakes here and there. I peeled in SHEETS! It was amazing. Yes, I went to work looking like a monster but who cares! I was making a sacrifice for the betterment of my skin!

Sensi Chemical Peel
Day 1: Tight Skin

Sensi Chemical Peel
Day 3 Crinkled skin and a little bit of Peeling Skin

Towards the end of my peeling

Don't Go Out Into Sun Unless You Want This to Happen to You

When they say don't go out into the sun after a chemical peel, listen! After I got my last peel, I went to a local farmers market the next day. I put sunscreen and wore a big hat but that apparently wasn't enough. The skin under my lower lip blistered. To this day, I'm not sure if it was a burn or a fever blister but I think I got it because I went out into the sun. I had never had this problem with the other peels! Luckily, it healed nicely but I was worried for awhile. I thought it was going to scar!

Blistering skin


I'll share the good news with you first. All my sun spots flaked off, my fine lines were diminished and my skintone was much better.  Red marks also faded away. My skin looked great and I was happy.

The bad news is the PCA Sensi Chemical Peel did not help my indented acne scars and deeper wrinkles stayed the same.

All in all, I thought this was a great peel. If you are getting a PCA Sensi Peel to get rid of indented scars then this is not the peel for you. No chemical peel will get rid of scars. A deep one might soften them up a bit but that's about it. Still, I was very happy with the results. BTW, this peel cost me $120 per session. It was a bit pricey for me since I bought a package for $600 so I haven't gotten them again. I do them at home now. More on that later!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Get Rid of Acne and Red Marks

A little over 3 years ago, I decided to give chemical peels a try. I know chemical peels don't get rid of acne scars but I read it can help control cystic acne breakouts and it smooths out fine lines and uneven skin tone.  My regular esthetician moved to the other side of town (an hour away) so I had to find another one. The esthetician I went to was someone who had been recommended to me by my hair stylist. I trusted him and his word so I went and got the chemical peel done with her.

My Skin Problems

  Soon after going to her, I suffered the worst breakout I have ever had in my entire life.  I honestly believe she did not sanitize her tools and she may have used expired products on my skin. I don't know for sure though. I hadn't done anything else to my skin during that time so I know, for a fact, the problem started when I went to her.

I got a combination of cysts and regular acne on my forehead. I don't breakout on my forehead-never have until this happened.  Within days, it spread to the rest of my face. I have never had problems with regular acne so this was new to me too.

My problem areas have always been near my mouth but the cysts were everywhere now. My face was literally swollen, super red and it was painful. The problem was getting worse and I didn't know what to do or how to control it.
It start with a few pimples

cystic acne
Soon, cysts started to invade my forehead

It spread to the rest of my face

How I got rid of the acne

I was desperate and tried everything I could find to "cure" my skin from this infection or whatever it was. I wasn't having any success until I tried this facial cleaner with Salicylic Acid, “Clear Cell Salicylic gel cleanser” from Image Skincare.

Clear Cell Salicylic Gel Cleanser
I washed my face with the "Clear Cell Salicylic Gel Cleanser" 3 times per week. It is very strong so be careful if you use it. Daily use is too much. It will dry out your skin. I have pretty tough skin so 3 times per week was fine for me. If you have sensitive skin or it's very dry, I recommend washing your face with this cleanser 1 time per week.  You can find the cleanser on Amazon for about $25. You don't pay shipping if you are a Prime member. Salons sell it too but the price is doubled!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a little warning: Once you start using the salicylic gel cleanser, you will most likely start to break out for a few days. This is totally normal. The cleanser cleans deep inside of your skin so all that junk that's trapped underneath will start to surface.

After I started using this product, my acne started to fill with puss. I didn't want to be poking at it but I knew I had to keep it clean so I bought a tool to safely squeeze out the puss that was coming to the surface. I cleaned my skin out every day until there was nothing to squeeze out anymore. If you get one of these, just be careful. You could still risk scarring yourself. Make sure the acne/cyst has come to a head before squeezing it out with this tool. I don't recommend squeezing with your hands. It's easier to spread infection. Use the tool. I found mine at the dollar store!

I also use Makeup Artist's 12.5% TCA Peel to help keep my skin from breaking out. Because it's very strong, I only use it every 3 months. 

Pimple remover tool
Pimple tool

How I got rid of the red marks

It took a few months but after consistently washing my face with the salicylic acid and cleaning out the acne with my tool, I was acne free! The TCA peel helps keep acne from coming back. I got rid of the acne BUT I was left with red marks all over my face. 

After doing a ton of research on how to get rid of red marks, I decided to give glycolic acid a try. It gets rid of hyperpigmentation. I didn't trust anybody to touch my skin so I decided to give myself the peel.

I order facial products from Makeup Artist's choice and have always been a satisfied customer so I ordered the 30% glycolic acid peel-sample kit from them.  My kit came with a cleaning solution, the glycolic acid peel, and directions.

I applied the peel to my skin once per week for 6 weeks. By the end of the 6th week, the red marks were gone!!!  I still give myself glycolic acid peels but I do it biweekly. It keeps my skin tone even and helps with fine lines. Double bonus!

We are all different so something that worked for me may not work for you. I do not guarantee this will work for you. It might or it might not but I hope it does!  

Want to see what my skin looks like now??????



cystic acne
Acne free Forehead

cystic acne and red marks
No more acne or red marks

A note of caution: 

  •  Stop using the salicylic gel cleanser or any type of exfoliant 24 hours before you apply the glycolic acid peel.
  • Stop using the salicylic gel cleanser a week before applying the TCA peel.  
  • Start with a lower percentage of glycolic acid. 30% might be too strong for you. I started at that percentage because I knew my skin could handle that strength.
  • Do your research. Don't order from just any online company. I ordered from Makeup Artist because I have ordered from them before and they have a great reputation. 


Saturday, February 6, 2016

The reason dermarolling doesn't work for everybody

If you're like me, you've probably scoured the net looking for a "cure" for acne scars. You've read everything there is to read about acne and probably tried every affordable and sometimes not very affordable products and procedures-everything from creams to laser treatment. A couple of treatments that can easily be done from home is dermarolling and dermastamping.

The Reason Dermarolling/Dermastamping doesn't work for everybody

 There are claims dermarolling works but there are an equal amount of claims that it doesn't work. Why does dermarolling and dermastamping work for some people but not for others? I know the answer to that question.

When our skin is injured, it immediately starts to work on repairing itself. Unfortunately, scar tissue will remain. If scarring is deep in our tissues, it may not heal properly and bands of scar tissue will pull the scar inward giving it a puckered look.  This is called tethering also known as anchored scars. No matter how long you dermaroll or dermastamp, those bands will hold on tight to the scar.  There is a way to release these bands of scar tissue but before I get into that I'd like to explain how to determine if you have tethered scars.

Do you have tethered scars?

Go to a mirror. Stretch the skin around around your scars. Has the scar disappeared? If the answer is yes, then your scars are NOT tethered.  This is great news because this means there is a high chance dermarolling and/or dermastamping will help your scars. If the scars remain, your scars are tethered. This doesn't mean that you will be stuck with scarring forever. There are ways to release the scar tissue such as combining subcision and suctioning .

What is Subcision and does it work?

From what I've read, subcision is one of the best ways to release scar tissue. I have not had this procedure done because nobody in my area does it and it is pretty pricey.  I can not vouch it actually works but I have read countless reviews and personal stories stating that subcision has helped acne scarring. I've read and seen enough to believe that subcision works. This is my opinion. Please do your research before getting it done. If you decide it's for you, locate a reputable doctor. Do not do this at home. There is a high risk of scarring your skin.

Basically, from what I understand, a doctor will numb your skin and insert a long needle into the corners of the acne scar (or any type of scar) and move it back and forth-like a fan. People claim to hear loud popping sounds as the scar tissue is being released.

Once you've had the procedure done, you need to suction the area for a few minutes every day. This can be done at home. The only equipment you need is a small handheld suctioning pump.  The pressure from the suctioning pump is supposed to help pull the skin outward resulting in less indentations in the skin.

Can scars be completely erased?

Scars can never fully be eradicated so don't be disappoint if you try one of these procedures but some scarring remains. These procedures may help improve the look of the scar but that's about it.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dermarolling Stretchmarks Session 1

I dermarolled my stretchmarks today. It was a little bit scary since I didn't use numbing cream. I recommend using it because the belly is actually very sensitive. At least, mine is! If you use numbing cream, be sure to wash it off BEFORE you dermaroll. Believe me, you do not want to roll that stuff into your skin!

Prepare before you dermaroll

Before you dermaroll, prepare your area! I always sanitize my workspace and tools with 70% Isopropyl alcohol. I let the dermaroller sit in alcohol for 5 minutes then I let it dry off before I use it. I also clean my skin with an alcohol swab.

What I use. I use the retinol cream after I dermaroll.

How to dermaroll your stretchmarks

After I sanitized my work area and skin, I stretched my skin so the needles on my dermaroller can go in deep. You want to add some pressure as you roll. Lift the roller as you change directions. This is to prevent track marks and tearing! I rolled 4 times up and down, 4 times horizontal, and 4 times vertical.

Stretch your skin then roll

  I didn't bleed but my skin got very red. Once I was done, it looked like I had a rash and my skin felt windburned. I washed my skin with water then applied Skincare Cosmetics Retinol day cream. It's packed full of Vitamin A which helps with the healing process.

dermaroll stretchmarks

Don't dermaroll too soon. Give your skin time to form new collagen.

The hardest part is the wait. In order for this to work, you must wait 6-8 weeks to dermaroll again. This is to give your skin time to form new collagen. If you dermaroll roll too early, you risk breaking up the newly formed collagen. If you want, you can dermaroll weekly with a .5mm roller to help with product penetration. The needles are too short so they won't interfere with collagen production.

 Before you put away your tools, sanitize them! It's better to be safe than sorry!

Happy Rolling!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dermarolling stretchmarks

I have been dermarolling acne scars since 2011. I have had amazing results! I won't lie. There are still a few anchored scars (more on that in another post) that remain but no amount of dermarolling or dermastamping will help them. I will continue to dermaroll my acne scars, just in case, but I am pretty sure I have gone as far as I can with the dermaroller and dermastamp (on my acne scars).

 Dermarolling stretchmarks: Will it Work?

I am moving on to dermarolling my stretchmarks. I had my first baby 18 years ago and was left with a stomach full of stretchmarks. They don't bother me at all and I don't plan on getting rid of them (because they were created out of love) BUT I am curious to see if dermarolling will help even them out. This will be a little experiment of mine. Please keep in mind that these are old stretchmarks so they have faded and match the color of my skin but they are indented and that is what I'd like to work on.

I plan on dermarolling ONE small section. I will take photos and post them for you to decide.  For those of you who are looking for a way to get rid of stretchmarks overnight, don't expect a miracle. Dermarolling takes time. It may take up to 6 months or longer to see results.

I will start dermarolling my stretchmarks this weekend. For now, take a look of a close up of what my stretchmarks look right now. 

dermarolling old stretchmarks

Arrow is pointing to the stretchmark I plan on dermarolling. It's a big one!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Does Dermarolling and dermastamping get rid of wrinkles

The claim is if you dermaroll, the wrinkles will disappear. I can tell you from experience the dermaroller does not help with wrinkles. If it does, it's a VERY minor improvement. It is so minor that it's not even noticeable.  I have been dermarolling since 2011, but I haven't seen a difference in my wrinkles other than them getting deeper as I age.

The reason people claim dermarolling/dermastamping gets rid of wrinkles

I have read reviews from people claiming that dermarolling has help some people get rid of their wrinkles. What I have noticed from these reviews is that these people have only been dermarolling for a short period of time (less than 3 months). It takes up to 6 months or longer in most cases to see results. Are these people lying? I don't think so. I believe their wrinkles diminish in appearance but only for a short time.


What they are experiencing is micro swelling. This happens when the skin has been injured. The skin swells up. It's working hard to repair itself. What happens when the skin swells up? All the wrinkles fill in but this is only temporary. Microswelling lasts for up to a week but can last longer if you are dermarolling or dermastamping every single day. You don't want to dermastamp or roll everyday because you need to give your skin time to heal UNLESS you are using a short needle (.5mm) which is great for product penetration.

Have you been dermarolling or dermastamping once every 6-8 weeks for over 6 months? Have you seen results? I'd love to hear about your experiences!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Update #2: Apple Cider Vinegar Cystic Acne Results

In a previous post, I wrote about how Apple Cider Vinegar helped my cystic acne. It was definitely amazing. It zapped those baby's and kept them at bay. I was one happy camper!
Give it a try and tell me what you think. I can not guarantee that it will work for everybody but it doesn't hurt to give it a shot.

Good and Bad News

 The good news is that it worked. Here's the bad news... it only worked for awhile. After using it for a few months, it stopped working. It was like my cysts became immune to it. :( Even so, I had a great few months without cysts. I'll use anything that helps even if it's for a short time. I still recommend Apple Cider Vinegar to help control your cysts. It's a great short term "cure." Use that time to work on your scars. Dermaroll. Dermastamp. If anything, it gives your skin time to heal.

Read about my first experience with Apple Cider Vinegar(photos included)

My Dermarolling Experience Update to my Update! :)

Wow, it's been over a year since I have updated this blog! Lots has happened since I last posted. Here's a quick overview of what I will be posting about. Please read because there is some valuable information that could help you with your acne breakouts.

My skin problems

In my last post, I complained about breaking in small pimples out all over my forehead. This was due, I THINK, to the Facialist using equipment that hadn't been properly sanitized and I am assuming she was using expired products. It took over 6 months to clear my forehead and the rest of my face. Sadly (for me), the acne spread from my forehead down to the rest of my face. I was full of cysts and little pimples. It was horrible.

Do your research before hiring a facialist/esthetician

 If you are thinking of going to a Facialist/Esthetician, research like crazy! Ask your family and friends for recommendations.  Read reviews online. Check out the place before getting anything done.  It's YOUR face. Don't let people be sloppy with your skin.  I learned my lesson the HARD way and I hope you don't have to go through the nightmare I went through. Read How to get rid of acne and red marks to see what I had to deal with.

Getting my skin under control

My skin is finally clear. I rarely break out in cysts and when I do get one or two, they are practically non-existent. Yes, my skin problems are finally under control and I am very thankful for that but some of the scars have remained. This includes the linear scar I have complained about in the past.  I know a scar will never completely heal but I would like to minimize its appearance. Dermarolling helped but some scars are resistant to the dermaroller. There is a reason WHY dermarolling works for some people but not for others. I will share what I know in another post! *The update is up!

Once last thing before I sign off for the day. I spend hours and hours researching and came across a procedure that could help smooth out acne scars. It's very expensive but from what I have read it is very effective. It's called subcision. I will go into more detail about that in a separate post.

Todays post was mostly a list of what I plan on writing about. Stay tuned for more detailed information! Thank You for stopping by and hope you stick with me throughout my journey. It's been a long one but I'm not giving up. I have come too far to give up on my skin!