Friday, June 29, 2012

Minocycline side effects

Minocycline can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as bacterial infections, tick fever, chlamydia, and skin conditions. What most people aren't aware of is that the side effects caused by Minocycline can be devastating!

Side Effects of Minocycline

 Minocycline can cause birth control to be ineffective and if you're pregnant can cause birth defects in babies. It can also cause tooth discoloration (in your baby) later in life. If you have a baby and are breastfeeding, do not take the medication. It can pass into the milk and cause your child's teeth to turn yellow or gray. It's permanent so don't take any chances!

Taking Minocycline for an extended amount of time can also cause your teeth to turn yellow or gray. It also will cause your skin to discolor both of which are permanent. I've read stories of people who claim the discoloration on their skin fades while others have been living with it for years so there is a possibility that once Minocycline is out of your system your skin will clear up. That is not so for your teeth. Once they become discolored, they stay that way.

It can also cause Lupus! How scary is that! For those of you who don't know what lupus is, it is an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks healthy tissue.

Every drug you take will have side effects. I wanted to point out the side effects Minocycline causes that were the scariest but could be controlled as long as you do not take a high dose or take the drug for a long time.  Don't take Minocycline for more than 4 months because it could cause a lot of problems for you and you'll be even more miserable than you were before you took the drug.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dermarolling updates will be more consistent

I am sorry I haven't been updating this blog as often as I should. I've been really bummed about my skin. No matter what I do, I can't seem to control my cystic acne. Just when my skin is starting to look normal (thanks to my dermaroller), I start breaking out.
I can live with normal's the cysts that are driving me crazy! Not only are they ugly and painful, but they scar. Like I've said in previous posts, dermarolling seems to work best on old scars but it has helped a little bit with the new ones. It just takes longer for it to work on them (new scars).
I will be more consistent with updates and pictures. It's kinda hard to show the improvement when I keep getting new scars but I am going to share it all with you.
I am still a big fan of the dermaroller. It has done wonders to my skin. I can only imagine how terrible my skin would have looked like if I hadn't taken a chance on the dermaroller.