Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dermarolling: Setback

I was not able to roll this weekend. I got a cyst above my lip and got the most terrible canker sore. It started on the inside of my mouth and part of it was on the outside of my lip. It has been about 15 days since I got it. There's a terrible bump still there. I can not take the chance and roll over it so I am going to have to wait. Here's what it looks like right now:

The red mark above my lip is the cyst and the red mark where my lips meet (corner of lips) is where the canker sore is. A part of it came off and there was a hole in the middle. It looks like it healed....I hope so. I don't want another scar. :(

Current Results

I was looking at my skin earlier today and noticed that 2 ice pick scars completely filled in. It's amazing. It seems to work really well for the little scars. It makes sense. They are small so they are going to fill in faster. The larger ones are somewhat filled in (except for the one I hate) but I've got a ways to go with those. I am fine. I have hope and I really believe in this. It's working for me....slowly but surely.


Oh I almost forgot. I had microdermabrasion done this past tuesday. She avoided my problem areas. I may get it done one more time (it's pricey $80 a session). It really hasnt done much for the scars. It has smoothed out my skin...made it more even toned and it feels so soft. But it isn't helping the pitted scars. It's good for the discolored ones tho.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have not been able to roll so I am alittle behind. I planned on doing it this weekend but I wanted to get my microdermabrasion session done first. Unfortunately, I accidentally scheduled my son's appointment at the same time so I had to cancel the micro and reschedule for this week.
So I'll be getting microdermabrasion done on Tuesday and will be rolling on Saturday.


Line scar is still there. ugh. The scar that has improved by 50% hasn't had much change but the little tiny scars are filling in. Slowly but surely! I am so looking forward to my next session. I really believe this is working!